Visions of Joy - Natural Eyesight Improvement - Vision Education
The School of Optimal Eyesight
Improve your vision and overcome the need for glasses or contacts while avoiding laser surgery

Pay / Donate

Make a payment:
If you are ordering one or more items from the Visions of Joy Store you can make your payment here. 

Please calculate the correct payment (including shipping costs if applicable) then choose your payment option below.  If you are not sure of the total amount to pay with shipping cost included, please contact me first.

- Make a payment with VENMO: send to @Esther-VanDerWerf, visionsofjoy 'at' and 1644 as the last 4 digits of the phone. Please use their 'friends/family' option, thank you!
(Currently, Venmo works only within the USA.)

- For payments by bank transfer - I can accept the following currencies:
US Dollars, Euros, UK Pounds, Australian Dollars, New Zealand Dollars,
and Polish Zloty.
Let me know via email
which of these currency you want to pay with or which country your bank account is in, and I'll send the appropriate details for an easy bank transfer.

- Through Paypal I can accept credit/debit cards. Simply click on the 'Make a Donation' button below which will take you to the Paypal site for a secure payment. First type in the total amount (change their $0.00 to the appropriate amount), then follow their instructions to either use a Paypal balance or a debit/credit card. (This way doesn't have the 'pay family / friends' option, see 2nd note.)
NOTE for Paypal payments: If for any reason your payment needs to be reimbursed, please be aware that Paypal no longer reimburses the fee they charged for the payment. This means you will receive back the money that I received from Paypal, but not the fee they withheld from your payment. To avoid this issue, do not use the donation button, but instead log into Paypal directly and use their 'pay a friend' option, see the next note.
2nd NOTE about Paypal:
As Paypal now (October 2022) wants to censor anyone and everyone from expressing their thoughts freely if these thoughts don't agree with Paypal's idea of 'normal thoughts', and because 'alternative' health services are under attack, I suggest using Venmo if you are in the USA, or use Paypal's "Pay a Friend" function, so they do not profit unnecessarily from our right to freely interact with one another. So, let's be friends! It's easy: Log into your paypal account, select send, type in this email address to pay to joy [at], fill in the amount, select 'continue' and select the option 'for family and friends'. Thanks!
(This 'for family and frieds' option is not available in some of the countries where Paypal operates.)


- If you prefer to send a check or money order in US dollars, please make it out to 'Esther van der Werf' and mail it to the address shown on the contact page.
Remember to include a note stating what the payment is for or send me a quick email with a list of the items you wish to receive. ALSO please include the correct physical and/or email address to send items to.  Thanks!

Make a donation:
If you've benefited from this website and you would like to support Visions Of Joy, please tell others about the Bates Method of Natural Vision Improvement.
You can also express your appreciation by making a donation!


THANK YOU for your support!


Als u aankopen uit de Visions of Joy winkel wilt betalen kunt u hier terecht.

Voor een overboeking in Euros naar mijn bank rekening in Nederland neem even contact op voor de benodigde gegevens.

Voor Paypal: Tel de kosten op samen met eventuele verzendkosten en vul dit bedrag in nadat u de donation knop hieronder aanklikt.
Stuur mij een email
met de details van uw bestelling, en uw adres. Bedankt!
PS - Als u onzeker bent over het juiste bedrag, neem dan eerst even contact op met mij, want bij eventuele terugbetaling van uw geld geeft Paypal het bedrag van hun kosten niet langer meer terug.

U kunt via Paypal betalen met uw debit of credit card.   U klikt eenvoudig op 'Make a Donation' hieronder, vul het te betalen bedrag in, en volg daarna de aanwijzigingen op de Paypal website.


Als deze website voor u van nut is geweest en u Visions Of Joy graag wilt steunen, vertel anderen dan over de Bates Methode van natuurlijk zien.
Als u een financiele bijdrage wilt geven wordt dit ook zeer gewaardeerd!

DANK voor uw steun!

Are you ready for better vision?
Do you want to know how to improve eyesight naturally?
Check out the classes offered here!


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