Visions of Joy - Natural Eyesight Improvement - Vision Education
The School of Optimal Eyesight
Improve your vision and overcome the need for glasses or contacts while avoiding laser surgery

Vision Links

We cannot teach people anything, 
we can only help them discover it within themselves.
Galileo Galilei

Instead of repeating what has already been written by others, I highly recommend that you investigate some of the many educative websites listed below. There is excellent information to be found among these sites, so 'click away' and find something that resonates with your heart. Your eyes, body and mind will be grateful when you let these teachers into your life.

I do suggest that you take private lessons from a local teacher if at all possible.

Caution: Inclusion of a link does not imply Vision Of Joy's endorsement!
I am not personally familiar with the quality of the lessons offered by all of these teachers, so I cannot vouch for how well they do or do not understand the Bates Method. I have removed links for a few people whose standard of teaching is too low for me to recommend them to you. The Bates Method is very effective when taught well. If one teacher can not help you see better in the first session, please choose another.

Traditional Bates Method - recommended teachers
As of 2016 I offer a 5-day continuation training to vision educators to increase their knowledge and understanding of the Traditional Bates Method.
Teachers who have taken this training are endorsed by me because I know they can help you effectively on your path to clarity. These teachers are listed together at the top of the list. Or look for TBM in front of the teacher's name in the list by region to find those certified in the Traditional Bates Method.

The list below is not exhaustive, as many teachers do not have websites, especially some of the older Bates teachers who have many years of experience, yet who are not connected into our modern computer world...
I know of several teachers in their 70s, 80s, and even 90s (yes!) who are still teaching, and who are also still easily reading and driving without glasses!   

If you are a vision educator and would like to be included in this list, please let me know!

(Scroll down or click on any underlined text to jump to a specific section)

Vision Educators in
 - Western USA and Hawaii
 - Central USA
 - Eastern USA
 - Canada
 - South America
 - Europe
 - Asia
 - Africa
 - Australia & New Zealand

Behavioral Optometrists

Other vision related websites  
- Links to more teachers and to other very useful and interesting sites about vision.

Affordable prescription glasses

Natural Vision Educators

Traditional Bates Method teachers

As of 2016 I offer a 5-day continuation training to vision educators to increase their knowledge and understanding of the Traditional Bates Method.
Teachers who have taken this training are endorsed by me because I know they can help you effectively on your path to clarity. The following are the teachers currently trained in the Traditional Bates Method.

Esther Joy van der Werf
, Ojai, California, USA
Kate Keilman
, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA
Mimi Shekoski, Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA
Carla Berg, Northwest Arkansas, USA
Ree Coleman, Newburyport, Massachusetts, USA
Estelle Saunders, O.D., Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Dale Goddard, Olds, Alberta, Canada
Mary Flynn, Cork City, Ireland
Pieter Wester, Noord Holland, Netherlands
Nicole Barendse, (in Brilshop Opmeer) Spanbroek, Noord Holland, Netherlands

Nathalie Weytjens, O.D., Tollembeek, Belgium
Giovanella Pattavina, Treviso/Padua area, Italy
Carlo Cannistrano, Portobuffole, Treviso, Italy
Beatrice Pavasini, Ferrara, Italy
Amelia Jurado Fernandez, Madrid area, Spain
Evelyn Ott, Zurich, Switzerland
Sandra Weide, St.Gallen, Switzerland
Ursula Muller, Romanshorn, Switzerland
Elzbieta Enderlin, M.D., Stockholm, Sweden
Lilla Ungvary, M.D., Budapest, Hungary
Hana Maslowska, Prague, Czeck Republic

Western USA and Hawaii

TBM Esther Joy van der Werf, Ojai, CA (80 Miles NW of Los Angeles) (TBM explanation)
Claudia Muehlenweg, Los Angeles, CA
Carlos Moreno, Montebello, CA (Carlos teaches the traditional Bates Method too.)
Jeannie 'Viveka' Fitzsimmons, Beverly Hills, CA
Carlos Moreno, Montebello, CA
Jerriann Taber, San Diego, CA
Dawn Rose, San Diego, CA
Meir Schneider, School of Self-Healing, San Francisco, CA
Kay Hogan, Pleasant Hill, CA
June Milich, Flagstaff, AZ

Marybetts Sinclair, Corvallis, OR
Sarah Cobb, Port Townsend, WA
Greg Marsh, Fort Collins, CO
TBM Mimi Shekoski, Colorado Springs, CO (TBM explanation)
Jason Stuck, Pagosa Springs, CO
TBM Kate Keilman, Honolulu, HI
(TBM explanation)

Central USA

TBM Carla Berg, Northwest Arkansas (TBM explanation)
Melissa Moody, Austin, TX

Eastern USA

Gloria Ginn, Nashville, Tennessee (Gloria teaches the traditional Bates Method too.)
Rosemary Gaddum Gordon, Eliot, ME
A quote from Rosemary: "Seeing from the core encourages one to be 'home', to see with the mind rather than trying to see with just the eyes, to relax and receive the information entering the eyes."
TBM Ree Coleman, Newburyport, MA
(TBM explanation)
Nathan Oxenfeld, Burlington, VT
Pat Mattas, Plainville, CT
Nancy Neff, Fishkill, NY
Sharon Hicks, Norristown, PA
Carl Vigilante, Palm Beach Gardens, FL
Robert Lichtman - For those of you who wonder why Robert Lichtman is no longer in this list for New York City where he used to teach, I am sad to say he passed away at his home in Irvine, CA, on 11 February 2015. His website ( has been offline for some time while he dealt with an aggressive brain tumor. Bobby, you will be so very much missed in our vision community. Click on his name to read Robert's article "Myopia as an Adaptation"


Summer Bozohora, Natural Vision Improvement Centre, Edmonton, Alberta
TBM Dale Goddard, Olds, Alberta
(TBM explanation)
Alexandra Hughes, Toronto, Ontario
Sheila Burr, Kincardine and Goderich, Ontario
Robert Silverman, Val David, Quebec
Ine van Eijndhoven, Kitimat, British Columbia.

Central and South America

Beatriz Nascimento in Brazil. (Website in Portuguese and some English)
Fernanda Leite Ribeiro, O.D., São Paulo, Brazil. Besides being an optometrist, Fernanda is an excellent natural vision teacher who trained with Meir Schneider. She also uses syntonics (color light therapy).
ASOLEA - Based in Argentina, Asolea provides links to Bates Method teachers throughout Latin America and even some world-wide. Click on "comunidad" in the top right of their webpage for a list of more than 60 Spanish speaking vision educators!
ASOLEA es el resultado de años de formación de educadores visuales de OPTO POR VER (Argentina), quienes deciden dar regulación y jerarquía a la actividad para expandir la transmisión del método Bates a toda Latinoamérica, a fin de conseguir los objetivos estratégicos asumidos en la formación.
Jaqueline Ledesma, Buenos Aires, Argentinia
Sol Mangada, Columbia
Pamela Contreras, Costa Rica
Ainhoa de Federico, Mexico


United Kingdom
Bates Association for Vision Education
, England. Includes a list of vision teachers in the UK.
Bates Method International , England. Includes vision teachers in the UK and world-wide.
Margaret Montgomery, Berkhamsted Herts England. Margaret can be reached through the BAVE and BMI websites listed directly above.

Charlotte Schuman
, Oxford/Aylesbury, England
Peter Mansfield, Portslade, England
Stephen Poynter, England (makes and sells palming supports for £45 + shipping cost,)
Anna Bambridge, Glasgow, Scotland
TBM Mary Flynn, Cork City, Ireland
(TBM explanation)
Ann Moran, Dublin, Ireland

Netherlands  (zie ook de NL pagina)
TBM Pieter Wester, Castricum, Noord Holland (TBM explanation)
Kim van der Hoeven, Westland, Zuid Holland
Maria van Velsen, 's-Hertogenbosch, Brabant
Thea Renaud, Haarlem, Noord Holland.  
Rijn de Jonge, Harderwijk, Gelderland
Jacqueline Reijnen, Nijmegen, Gelderland
TBM Willeke Beckeringh, Assen, Drenthe (TBM explanation)
TBM Nicole Barendse, (in Brilshop Opmeer) Spanbroek, Noord Holland (TBM explanation)
Kirsten van der Linden en Ine van Eijndhoven,
Voorburg en Rijswijk, Zuid Holland
Saskia Naber
, Den Andel, Groningen  (geeft geen les meer)
Wilko van Zeele,  Berkel en Rodenrijs, Zuid Holland (geeft momenteel geen les)

Art de Voir, Association of vision teachers in France. (Website in French)
Nina Hutchings, Rognes, France
Annie Bohen, Mainsat, France
Eva Lothar, Paris, France 
Ghislaine de Laage
, Paris, France

TBM Giovanella Pattavina, Treviso/Padua area, Italy. Giovennella is a medical doctor specialized in physical rehabilitation. She is also a certified Rolfing practitioner. (TBM explanation)
TBM Carlo Cannistrano, Portobuffole, TV, Italy. Carlo is also an Osteopath. (TBM explanation)
AIEV, Italian Association of Vision Educators, provides a long list of vision teachers in Italy.
Gisele Toselli, Roma, Italy
Vanna Bianchin, Pordenone, Italy

Giuseppe Urselli, Lizzano (Taranto), Italy
Giuseppe Goldoni, Modena, Italy

Maurizio Cagnoli
, Roma, Italy

TBM Beatrice Pavasini, Ferrara, Italy
(TBM explanation)
Stefania Romagnoli, Foligno (PG) Italy. Stafania combines Bates method with Feldenkrais work.
Morena Bernardi, Milano, Italy
Laura Canepa, Genova, Italy
Loredana de Michelis, Padova, Italy

La Asociación Española para la Educación Visual VEA lists many Spanish Bates Method teachers
Amelia Salvador, MD, Alicante, Spain
Amelia Jurado Fernandez
, Madrid area, Spain
(TBM explanation)
Maria Stella Marini, Tenerife, Spain
Andrea Buch Romero, Barcelona, Spain
Orit Kruglanski, Barcelona, Spain
Rosana Artiaga, Madrid, Spain
Cristina Masip, Benicarlo, Castellon, Spain

Ainhoa de Federico, Spain

TBM Evelyn Ott, Zurich, Switzerland (TBM explanation)
TBM Sandra Weide, St.Gallen, Switzerland (TBM explanation)
TBM Ursula Muller, Romanshorn, Switzerland (TBM explanation)
Swiss union of professional vision teachers
Anna Hirt Eberle
, Basel, Switzerland.
Carla Real, Zurich, Switzerland. (email Carla)
Cornelia Stromeyer, Zurich, Switzerland
Heidi Hauser, Switzerland
Martin Brofman. Lausanne, Switzerland. Sadly, Martin passed away on 11 August 2014.  His website is still available, and his work remains with us through his books and the many people he taught.

An extensive list of vision teachers in Germany including a few in Austria & Switzerland
Claude Desroches, Berlin, Germany (Website in English and German)
Sebastian Euler, München, Germany
Marianne Wiendl, Germany
Uschi Ostermeier-Sitkowski, Durach-Kempten, Germany
Petra Goebel, Friedrichsdorf, Germany

Yannic Schwerdtfeger, Prien am Chiemsee, Germany

Rest of Europe
TBM Nathalie Weytjens, O.D., Tollembeek, Belgium (TBM explanation)
Marian Maleszka, Hasselt, Belgium
Hilde Enziger, Austria
Emanuela Schwab, Austria
Siergiej Litwinow, Poland. (Website in Polish, English, Czech, and Russian)
Magda Wawrzycka, Poland
Mikolaj Markiewicz, Poland
Torill Opsand, Norway (Website in Norwegian). Torill is a Feldenkrais practitioner and physiotherapist in addition to being a Bates teacher.
TBM Elzbieta Enderlin, M.D., Stockholm, Sweden. (TBM explanation)
Tony Helinsky, Sweden (also has a website in English)
TBM Lilla Ungvary, M.D., Budapest, Hungary. (TBM explanation)
Peter Vén
, Budapest, Hungary.  Website in Hungarian, English, Italian, French and German.
Daniela Matuchová, Banská Bystrica, Slovak Republic
TBM Hana Maslowska, Prague, Czeck Republic
(TBM explanation)
Jana Pozlovska, Prague, Czech Republic
Yvona Švecová
, Prague, Czech Republic
Vija Busa, Riga, Latvia
Sara Van Herbert, Limassol, Cyprus.  Vision on Health.  Telephone 00357 25 932716
Gülay Ertekin, Turkey


Sylvia Lakeland, Jerusalem, Israel. (Website in Portuguese and English)
Anat Axelrode, Kibbutz Sheffayim, Israel.
Jim Tan, Singapore and Malaysia
Loy Chye Bin, Singapore
Dorothea Goda, Osaka, Japan
Prapanna Swain, Pondicherry, India.  School of Perfect Eyesight at Sri Aurobindo Ashram
Rony Bhattacharjee, Kolkata, India.  Also teaches at the School of Perfect Eyesight
Aruna Yadav, Vizag, India.  Read an article in The Hindu about her work (in English)
Viram Agrawal, Mumbai, India


Christopher Lane, Cape Town, South Africa

Australia & New Zealand

Peter Grunwald, NZ. Combines Natural Vision with Alexander Technique.
Carina Goodrich, Maleny, Qld, AU. Carina is continuing her mother Janet Goodrich's mission.
Barry Auchettl, Smythes Creek, Victoria, AU
Chris Barrett, The Eye Gym, NSW, AU

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Behavioral Optometrists

Behavioral Optometrists often do Vision Therapy (which is different from the Bates Method) and they usually are supportive of natural vision improvement.  They are also known as Functional Optometrists.
Note: Although you increase your chance of finding someone supportive of your vision improvement process when you go to a Behavioral O.D., not all of them will be helpful. Please don't get discouraged, trust your instincts, and find a good Bates teacher to help you!

You may find a behavioral optometrist near you via these links, or look in your local phone book.  

Find a behavioral optometrist world-wide (
Find a behavioral optometrist
in the USA or Canada 
Find a behavioral optometrist in the USA (Optometrists Network)
Find a behavioral optometrist in the UK (
Find a behavioral optometrist in Australia or New Zealand (
Find a functional optometrist in Mexico (Consejo Mexicano de Optometria Funcional / COMOF)
Vind een functionele optometrist / optoloog in Nederland

Most of the Optometrists (OD) and Ophthalmologists (MD) listed below I know personally.  They will be helpful to you when lowering your prescription during your vision improvement process.  Many are familiar with the Bates method to some degree.  

Western USA:
James B. Mayer, O.D., Thousand Oaks, CA. Vision therapy and accommotrac available.
King Y. Wong, O.D., Santa Monica, CA.
William Harpur, O.D., San Diego, CA.
Larry Jebrock, O.D., Novato, CA.
Elliot Kaplan, O.D., Mill Valley, CA.
John Downing, O.D., Ph.D., Sebastopol, CA.
Lisa Harvey, O.D., Fort Bragg, CA.
Joseph Trachtman, O.D., Seattle, WA. Inventor of the Accommotrac Vision Training device.
Neena Gabrielle, O.D., Kirkland, WA.
Neha Amin, O.D., Phoenix, AZ.
Sam Berne
O.D., Santa Fe, NM. Sam specializes in ADD, Vision and Learning
Jacob Liberman, O.D., Ph.D., Maui, HI.  Jacob is the author of Light, medicine for the future and Take off your glasses and see (listed on the book page). He also developed the Eyeport.

No website (yet) for these eye doctors, but you'll find them in your phonebook:
Miguel Chaar-Navarro, O.D., Tucson, AZ.
Neal Apple
, M.D., Silver City/Las Cruces, NM.
Cheri Glaus
, O.D., Norton, OH.
Charles Steinberg, O.D., Wexford, PA.

Eastern USA:
Ray Gottlieb,
O.D., Ph.D., (retired).  Ray is a very knowledgeable Bates-loving optometrist, still giving talks about vision improvement despite his retirement from optometry.  Ray's chart has reversed presbyopia ('over-40-farsightedness') in his patients and himself.
 You can download Ray's chart here
Marc Grossman
, O.D., New Paltz & Rye, NY.  Marc is an optometrist with an open mind to the Bates Method and he uses vision training in his practices.  Extensive source of vision supplements. His new site:
Larry Wallace, O.D., Ithaca, NY.
Valerie Giangrande, O.D., Freeport, NY. This is her youtube channel.
Cathy Stern, O.D., Canton, MA.
Steven Gallop, O.D., Broomall, PA.  Steven is the author of Looking differently at nearsightedness and myopia.
Greg Johnson, O.D., Virginia Vision Therapy Center, VA.
Paul Harris, O.D., Memphis, TN.
Alia Santoyo Johnson, O.D., Aurora, IL.
Alexandar Andrich, O.D., North Royalton, OH.
Mary Gregory, O.D., Monticello, MN.

Amelia Salvador, M.D., Alicante, Spain.
Alex Frauenfeld,
M.D., Vienna, Austria.
Ilse Strempel, M.D., Giessen, Germany. (Offers alternative care for glaucoma.)

TBM Elzbieta Enderlin, M.D., Stockholm, Sweden. (TBM explanation)
TBM Lilla Ungvary, M.D., Budapest, Hungary.
(TBM explanation)
Luc Uijen, O.D., Maasbracht/Nederweert, Netherlands.
Jasperse Praktijkencentrum, Vlissingen, Netherlands.
Ferdinand Overdijk, O.D., Zwijndrecht, Netherlands
Rob Gevers, O.D., Berlicum
Irene Bakker-Dijkstra, Alkmaar, Netherlands
George Brockling, Almere-Buiten, Netherlands
TBM Nathalie Weytjens, O.D., Tollenbeek, Belgium.
(TBM explanation)
Laurence Fritz, O.D., Rhode Saint Genese, Belgium.
Roberto Kaplan, O.D., Vienna, Austria.
TBM Estelle Saunders, O.D., Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
(TBM explanation)
Sonja Hagemann, O.D., Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
Fernanda Leite Ribeiro, O.D., Sao Paulo, Brazil. Besides being an optometrist, Fernanda is an excellent natural vision teacher who trained with Meir Schneider. She also uses syntonics (color light therapy).
Maria Florenica Milanese, M.D., Buenos Aires, Argentina
Julio Gutierrez Sanin, O.D., Bogotá, Colombia. A holistic approach to the healing of visual and ocular disorders, joining conventional optometry with alternative therapies such as traditional Chinese medicine, cranio-sacral therapy and the Bates method, aimed at giving each person a tailor-made combination for the preservation and betterment of their visual health throughout their lifetime. Consultorio de Salud Visual, Avenida (Carrera) 19 #118-95, Oficina 503, Bogotá. Tel (571) 620 88 47
Rony Bhattacharjee, O.D., Kolkata, India.
Jenny Livanos, O.D., North Strathfield, NSW, Australia.

(back to top)

Other vision related websites

The Association of Vision Educators (AVE). Website for the North American Association of Vision Educators.
British Association of Vision Education (BAVE).
Argentinian Association of Vision Educators (ASOLEA)
La Asociación Española para la Educación Visual (VEA)
David Kiesling has set up an excellent site about the Bates Method, includes many great articles and a useful forum.  
Rune Kenneth Meisingset has created an awesome site about the Bates method.  Valuable info!
Alex Eulenberg  International Society for the Enhancement of Eyesight.  Great resource for Bates materials.
Monica Pawlan author of Relax, Smile and Enjoy the View 
Clark Night More Bates Method information
Doug Marsh Author of Restoring your Eyesight, a Taoist Approach.
Anna Borisova, a vision student in Sweden writes a blog about Natural Vision Improvement.
Ott-lites - Full spectrum lamps developed by John Ott.  For better vision and health.
More information about health and light.   They sell John Ott's excellent video: Exploring the Spectrum.
Full spectrum solutions - more full spectrum lamps
A page explaining the effect of sunlight on eyes, and doing away with the myth of Galileo going blind from observing the sun.
Paul E Dennison
, Braingym. Very helpful for people with dyslexia and learning disabilities, closely related to better vision.
Sue Barry, also known as 'Stereo Sue', a website on strabismus and Frederick Brock's work.
Frank Navratil B.Sc, N.D. Iridology, Czech Republic.  Author of For your eyes only and The Eye for an Eye Diet
Bill Sardi, author of Nutrition and the Eyes., a site for those with glaucoma to connect and share solutions
Ray Amsterdam, UK.  Ray overcame macular degeneration naturally and his site presents a very detailed Case Study of his recovery through Ayurveda - subsequent to being told "there is no treatment available to restore ... vision".  The site includes full clinical data, a discussion section, and treatment contact details.
Alexander Technique, for improved body posture and movement awareness, to improve eyesight.
Feldenkrais Method, Somatic education; awareness through movement.  
Egoscue Method, also for improved posture and pain relief.  Very effective.
Milton Trager MD, The Trager Approach of psychophysical integration and Mentastics movement education.  This can help loosen up chronic tension in the body.
Jack Heggie's Total Body Vision (Six CDs of exercises that combine Feldenkrais with the Bates method)
Vittoz Method American Vittoz Society.  Mental training through movements and visualization.
Focusing is a technique for emotional self healing. A great adjunct in vision improvement.
Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) is an easy to learn, easy to use self help tool for dealing with emotional challenges.
Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) is a popular technique which allows you to change, adopt, or eliminate behaviors, as you desire, and gives you the ability to choose your mental, emotional, and physical states of well-being.
Byron Katie's 'The Work' - a highly effective method for overcoming stressful thought patterns.
Silva Method is an effective mind training method that helps replace negative thoughts with positive ones.

Peter K. Kaiser, The Joy of Visual Perception, an e-book about vision. 
Tutis Vilis' Undergraduate level course in Sensory Physiology which includes an "Introduction to Eye Movements". 
Visual skill practices for children
Children's Vision Information Network, Wichita, KS, USA.
PAVE (Parents Active for Vision Education) is an organization whose mission is to raise public awareness of the crucial relationship between vision and achievement.
Success stories of people who used vision therapy (different from Bates Method) to help their vision.  Vision therapy can be a useful adjunct with the Bates Method.  If you can't find a Bates Teacher near you, you may find a Vision Therapist instead.
A website in Hebrew about the Bates Method.  This Israeli website has much information about Bates.

(back to top)

Affordable Prescription Glasses

Cheap glasses? - Yes, that's possible!
Are you nearsighted and jealous of those farsighted people who can cheaply buy their reading glasses at any dollar store?  Or are you farsighted with a different level for each eye?  I have good news!  The websites below sell glasses at very affordable rates, sometimes for less than US$30 per pair.
You type in the (reduced) prescription you want, you chose a frame, pay, and you'll get your glasses in the mail. It's Easy! 
Click here for a guide to buying glasses online.  (based in California) (based in California) Send in your frames, they insert new lenses. (based in California) (based in California) (based in California)  (based in California and Canada, free shipping) (based in New Mexico) (based in Ohio) (based in New York) Send your frames, for $30 they put in the lenses you want.  (based in New York) Also has option to use your own frames.
(based in New York) (based in New Jersey) (based in Maryland) (based in England) (based in England) (based in England) (based in England) (based in England) Will reglaze your current frames with new lenses. (based in Scotland) (based in the Netherlands) (based in the Netherlands) (based in the Netherlands) (based in the Netherlands) (yes, even amazon sells glasses for myopia! This link goes to one example, you can search amazon for other examples by typing 'glasses for myopia' in their search box.
Amazon also sells low diopter reading glasses, as low as +0.50 D, here is an example, search for others.) (USA based with some actual stores in various states) is a new on-line glasses store. They are a little more expensive, about $100 per pair, but excellent customer service, so try them if you don't mind spending a little mroe. (based in Australia)

This list is not complete.  To find more sites like these, do an internet search for 'affordable prescription glasses' or something similar. 

Contact lenses are a 'medical device' and a USA law from 2004 stipulates that in the USA they can only be sold with a valid prescription from your eye-doctor.  In Canada and Europe laws are different and contact lenses can be bought there without a current prescription, making it easy to get reduced prescriptions. It used to be possible for Americans to buy contact lenses from Canadian websites, but since June 2015 this seems to no longer be an option. although some sites still state that they ship to the USA.
I notice UK sites ship world-wide, and if you speak any one of the European languages you can search for a supplier there too. (based in British Columbia, Canada) (based in British Columbia, Canada) (based in British Columbia, Canada) (based in British Columbia, Canada) (based in the UK, ships world-wide, no Rx required) (based in the UK, ships world-wide, no Rx required) (based in the UK, ships world-wide, no Rx required)

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